Thursday, August 27, 2015

SAT Registration

Attn 4 Year Collegebound Seniors: The deadline to register for the Oct. 3 test is Thursday, September 3. To register, go to If you need help or a fee waiver, see Mrs. Austin.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Schedule Changes

Attn Students: If you need to change your class for ACADEMIC REASONS, please come to the office during your break to put in a request to see your counselor. Your counselor will call you in to discuss your class change. Class changes will only be done with teacher/parent permission and only if there is room in the class you are trying to change into. This year the classes are really large, so most classes are completely full. If your counselor thinks that you will need a class change, you will get a schedule change request form. It will need to be signed by teachers and parents and returned to the office before your schedule will be changed in the computer. The deadline to change is Friday, September 4.